March: a pictorial review

March is over!  It went really fast, too.  I spent it writing, working, spending time with family, chillin with my dog, going to class and of course, finding those little treasures to reveal in my blogs.  I have a few papers due this week and then the dreamboat comes for a visit!!!  Pretty excited for that, so in a way it’s not terrible that time has passed quickly ❤

I also want to note that in pictures it looks like I wore headbands every day in march.  Maybe I did, and maybe that’s awesome?  I’m not sure.  Anyway…

The weather’s had a tough time making up it’s mind this month.

Working at Tracycakes in Fort Langley a day or two a week.  Cupcakes…:)

I spend lots of time on this lil pink lady every day.

I read this book.  And the next one, and I’m almost done the next one.  I’m saving the movie for date night!

Dinner with my niece and nephew!

Stella started sleeping like this, with her head on the floor.  It’s weird, but she seems ok in the morning.

A beautiful day at the swamp.


And that was my March!  How was yours, what did you do or see?

Categories: Uncategorized


I like shopping at stores with one of a kind items, so I spend a lot of time at Goodwill and Antique Malls. I love Ambrosia salad, and refuse to eat perogies. Aside from my husband, my Mom is my very best friend even though I hated her off and on when I was a teenager. I believe you should know the reasons you do the things you do, and am constantly asking myself why I think, feel and behave the way I do in every situation. I'm probably a narcisist.


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