Tag Archives: spring dress

I want to wear spring dresses NOW!

But it’s a little too cold.  So, what to do?  For me, adding tights or boots with cozy socks and a scarf makes spring/summer dresses warm, and still functional.  Here are two looks to try:

Dress: Joe Fresh

Cardigan: Thrifted

Scarf: Smart Set

Tights: Modcloth

Shoes: Thrifted

Dress: H&M

Denim shirt: H&M

Scarf: Indigo/Chapters

Socks: H&M

Boots: Winners

Thrifted Shoes: a how-to guide

One of my favourite items to thrift is shoes, for three main reasons:

1) I can find pairs I never would have seen otherwise at the stores I go to, and maybe even discover a new brand.

2) They’re cheap.  And for someone who enjoys shoes (me!) that means more shoes.  Any obections?  I didn’t think so.

3) A lot of people won’t buy second-hand shoes because they think it’s gross or they assume they won’t be able to find anything.  That means people like me get vintage or even brand new shoes for a fraction of the cost, and we don’t don’t even have to fight anyone for them!

If you have ever looked at vintage shoes online or in person, wanted to buy them but have shied away for any reason, this blog is for you.  These are my steps and a few simple how-to’s on finding the perfect pair.

The same basic rule applies to thrifting shoes as anything else: shop with some ideas in mind but be open to whatever you find.  Today I was looking for black peeptoe wedges, or tan leather woven low heels.  I went to two stores and no dice.  Here’s what I did find though:

These fit my criteria on price, fit, and wearability.  If I don’t need something but want it, my rule in thrift stores is that it can’t cost more than $15.00, and these were $12.00.  I tried them on and they fit like a dream!  The heel wasn’t too high either, so I could walk in them.  I recently ordered mustard tights from modcloth and thought these would go great with those and a wispy spring dress.  So, I bought them.  One issue: they had some scuffs. 

Not cute, right?  This may have deterred greener thrifters, but not me!  I knew I could clean them somehow, so I went ahead and bought the shoes!  Once home, I looked up directions on how to remove the scuffs, and found them here.  Out came my nail polish remover and cotton pad as per the instructions.

And soon enough, they were perfect!  Now I have adorable spring (the season and the store) maryjanes for a pitance!

The moral of the story?  Thrifting requires not just an imagination, but sometimes a little elbow grease, too.  If you’re willing to spend the time, you’ll end up spending far less money and developing your signature look!