Tag Archives: Joe Fresh

I want to wear spring dresses NOW!

But it’s a little too cold.  So, what to do?  For me, adding tights or boots with cozy socks and a scarf makes spring/summer dresses warm, and still functional.  Here are two looks to try:

Dress: Joe Fresh

Cardigan: Thrifted

Scarf: Smart Set

Tights: Modcloth

Shoes: Thrifted

Dress: H&M

Denim shirt: H&M

Scarf: Indigo/Chapters

Socks: H&M

Boots: Winners

My niece the fashion plate

This is my neice Odessa.  She just turned 5, and she’s awesome.  I’m noticing how her sense of style is developing, and am really enjoying the outfits she puts together.  It’s funny how we develop our own esthetic so young, it makes me think it’s innate.  To be fair, she has a pretty stylish Mom, not to mention her awesome auntie Anna!!!